Sunday, September 6, 2015

Mosquito Repellent Bands

My family and I love sitting outside in the late evening hours but a nice, well planned evening doesn't always go as planned. My husband, the party pooper, starts complaining about the mosquitos biting him, my 12 year old starts wanting to go inside at the first sight of any bug, and while my 3 year old doesn't complain while outside once inside she thinks she needs a bandaid for every single bug bite she acquired outside!!!! We don't like to use spray repellant because we all hate that sticky feeling it gives you so when I saw these insect repelling bands I knew they were the way to go!!! We all have different sized wrist and the bands fit each of use securely, if you don't want to wear it on your wrist you have the option to wear it on your ankle. I love that they are DEET free. They last up to 250 hours and after each use leading up to those last hours you can put them back in their individual resealable bag. I was worried that the bands would have an odor but they do not. The test of all test, we went outside the last few nights and not a single complaint and I still have a full box of bandaids!!!! YES, they definitely work!!!!! I received this product at a discounted price in exchange for my honest, unbiased opinion and review. Click here for this product.

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